PIANO-1/ Dmitry Rachmanov

Dr. Dmitry Rachmanov is the Chair of Keyboard Studies at California State University Northridge. A sought-after performer, master class clinician, adjudicator and lecturer, Rachmanov has serve on the faculties of Manhattan School of Music and Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University, and has appeared as a guest artist at The Juilliard School, New […]

PIANO-2/ Roger Woodward 

Roger Woodward is widely regarded as belonging to the highest echelon of pianists and performs at venues such as: the Sydney and La Scala Opera Houses, Hollywood Bowl, Tiananmen Square, Odéon of the Herodes Atticus, Gulbenkian Gardens Lisbon, Royal Albert Hall London and at major international concert halls at the invitation of Claudio Abbado, Zubin […]

VOICE / Edna Garabedian

Dramatic Mezzo Soprano Stage Director CEO California Opera Association Dramatic Mezzo-Soprano Edna Garabedian has performed to critical and popular acclaim in the United States, and throughout South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. She is best known for her numerous performances of the roles of Amneris, Carmen, Eboli, Santuzza, Azucena and Kostelnicha and Suzuki. […]

MARIMBA/ Pius Cheung

“… surmounts the contrapuntal hurdles and offers a stylish, deeply expressive interpretation notable for its clear voicing, eloquent phrasing and wide range of color and dynamics.” - The New York Times  “Tuneful, neo-Romantic yet technically difficult, not only showcased Mr. Cheung’s mastery of his instrument but also demonstrated his considerable skill and promise as a […]


Santa Clara University Recital Hall Franklin St, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara, CA, United States

War. Music. Hope

Valley Christian Schools Conservatory of arts- Chapel 100 Skyway Dr, SanJose, CA 95111, 100 Skyway, CA, United States

Purchase Ticket

Helping Ukrainian Music Students for Homecoming Festival

World-renowned concert pianist, Alexander Kobrin co-director of the Homecoming Festival for Ukrainian students amount in the options: $50, $100, $200, $500, $1500 - Donation Receipt needed. Need their full name, address, and email information for a donation receipt. Helping Ukrainian Music Students for Homecoming Festival Hero $50.00 USD Hero plus $100.00 USD Hero X $200.00 […]

USIMC Benefit Concert Featuring 2005 Van Cliburn Gold Medalist Alexander Kobrin

De Anza College Visual and Performing Arts Center 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA, 95014, Cupertino, CA, United States

Date: April 2, 2023 (Sunday) Time: 7:00 pm Venue: De Anza College Visual and Performing Arts Center Address: 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA, 95014 “He surrendered neither the smoothness nor the dynamic fluidity that the modern piano allows, and he gave his sense of fantasy free rein, and creating an almost confessional spirit ." […]


Music Recital Hall Center of Performing Arts, Santa Clara University

2024 USIMC Fundraising Concert 這是一場展示過去USIMC(美國國際音樂比賽)獲獎者才華的盛会。這些杰出的音樂人,憑藉他們的才華和努力,在衆多參賽者中脫穎而出,成爲了未來音樂的閃亮希望。USIMC不僅爲他們提供了展現才華的舞臺,更在他們的音樂旅程中提供了持續的支持和鼓勵,幫助他們追求幷實現自己的音樂夢想。 本次音樂會邀請了衆多在往年比賽中頂級獲獎者,例如現任舊金山青年交響樂團小提琴首席 Roger和他的Moltrés String Quarte,Roger曾是USIMC比賽中小提琴組的佼佼者;現在灣區炙手可熱的春天合唱團,該團成員們在去年比賽中囊括了多項大獎,更值得一提的是该团指挥邓文博老师是中国合唱指挥届泰斗马革顺先生的关门弟子等等。音樂會彙集了多種音樂形式和風格,從激動人心的打擊樂演出,到情感豐富的鍵盤樂器演奏;從溫柔細膩的弦樂旋律,到氣勢磅礴的管樂合奏,每一個節目都是對音樂無限可能性的探索和致敬。我们还将有师生同台,比如笛子大师余晓庆老师将会与去年USIMC中国乐器组大奖获得者吹笙的学生一起表演。這些獲獎者不僅將展現他們精湛的技藝,更將通過他們的演奏,傳遞音樂的真諦和精神。 我們希望,通過這場音樂會,不僅能爲觀衆帶來一次難忘的聽覺盛宴,也能激勵更多的音樂學習者以這些杰出的獲獎者爲榜樣,追求自己的音樂夢想。同時,我們也期待更多人能够關注幷支持USIMC,無論是通過贊助比賽,還是參與我們的學術交流項目,您的支持都將對這個平臺和參與其中的每一位音樂人産生深遠的影響。 請讓我們一起期待4/27的表演,爲這些音樂未來的星辰喝彩,同時也爲音樂的力量和美好投以最熱烈的支持。 演出时间:4/27/2024 Saturday 7pm 演出地点:Music Recital Hall Center of Performing Arts, Santa Clara University "Ode to Love" Series: Music Future 2024 USIMC Fundraising Concert Join us for a thrilling evening at the 2024 United States International Music Competition (USIMC) Fundraising Concert, where we spotlight the […]

Fundraising Concert

Valley Christian Schools 100 Skyway drive, San Jose, CA, United States

去年一月份,北加州華人音樂教師協會舉辦了一場「War, Music, Hope」的募款音樂會。因為大家的愛心成功地幫助了25位因為烏俄戰爭而流離失所的音樂學子們募到足夠的獎學金,讓他們前去參加在愛沙尼亞共和國舉行的Hiiuma Homecoming Music Festival。轉眼一年又過去了,烏克蘭的戰爭的烽火不但沒有停歇,而且越加劇烈。而這個音樂營對這些烏克蘭音樂學生來說,是他們在人生最徬徨,黑暗的時期中唯一的曙光。藉著和世界級的大師們學習,並且同台演出的經驗,因著音樂,重新讓他們找回生命的動力。 https://www.homecomingfest.com/en/blank/ 今年的募款音樂會,將會是一場小提琴與鋼琴合奏的室內樂音樂會。由音樂營的副總監,也是2005年,范、克萊本鋼琴大賽金牌得主,Mr. Alexander Kobrin 擔任鋼琴演出,小提琴由任教於Schwab Achool of Music and Belmont University 的小提琴教授,並且也是Hiiumaa Homecoming 音樂營的教授,Mr. Boris Abramov 擔任。音樂會節目的安排也很用心,除了Franz Schubert的小提琴奏鳴曲之外, 他們也將演出烏克蘭作曲家Sergei Bortkiewicz 和有名的César Frank為小提琴與鋼琴所譜寫的A大調小提琴與鋼琴的奏鳴曲! 票價:$100/$200/$250/VIP 所有的門票收入,協會將會全數捐給Hiiumaa Homecoming Music Festival,幫助烏克蘭音樂學生。您的購票協會也會開抵稅收據給您! 最後,再次誠摯的邀請大家,一起來聆聽美好的音樂會,同時也帶給烏克蘭青年音樂家們生命的希望。